EPV for VMware

EPV for VMware provides you an “out of the box” Performance and Capacity Management solution for VMware HOSTS and GUESTS environments of any size and complexity.

Access to available data

EPV for VMware uses a light agent which collects all the input data provided by the standard VSPHERE SDK application program interface providing easy access to all the VIRTUAL CENTER HOST and GUEST information.

Performance Analysis in a … click

EPV for VMware provides:

• a complete vision of the “health” and condition of all the most important systems resources such as CPU, memory, I/O, datastore space, etc.
• the ability to aggregate systems by different CLUSTERs enabling a much quicker and more effective control of large system estates
• automatic exceptions analysis which identify resource bottlenecks and other anomalies
• the ability to analyze all I/O components as datastores, storage adapters, storage paths and virtual disks
• the ability to compare systems using different benchmarks such as MHZ, SPECINT and many others
• auditing of configuration changes as well as detailed reporting of the hardware and software configuration
• daily, weekly and monthly trends

Using “de facto” Standard Technologies

All reports are produced in simple static HTML pages, published on a server of your choice and can be accessed by your favourite “browser”. All the tables provided in the reports can be exported individually or together in a MS-Excel spread sheet.


EPV for VMware architecture is based on the following three layers:

• An interface to collect input data;
• An engine to correlate and aggregate data;
• An engine to produce HTML pages.


EPV for VMware has no pre-requisites.